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020-24608802 / 9763722119To create awareness among people about the importance of voting, street plays were organized by student Cygnet Public School(New) Narhe. As many as 25 students enacted in the play. This Street Play was guided by our honorable Principal Madam Mrs.Ajita Parbat.
Election Headboy And HeadGirl- 26-April-2019
We are a part of a democratic country and each one has a right to vote This thought was brought into practice at Cygnet Public School on 26th April ,2019 when elections for the position of Head Boy and Head Girl were held within the School Campus . A long process was witnessed which included debate, manifesto, colourful ballot boxes, counting and the declaration of results. Elections have always been an event that students look forward to.
Wheels started rolling down fortnight ago. The entire Electoral Process was upheld in front of the school. The excitement and anxiety could be read not only amongst students, but even amongst Teachers and Administrative staff also.