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020-24608802 / 9763722119Day:- Thursday
Date:- 1/8/2024
Venue:- CPSN
" Art has the power to inspire, to illuminate , to educate and to motivate", keeping this in mind our Cygnet Public School New Narhe & Junior College, organised Art Integrity Exhibition. The exhibition started with the inauguration ceremony by the respected Campus Director, Principal Ma'am with Coordinator, Teachers, student council member and by Dear Parents . In this exhibition various projects based on various subjects including All languages , Social Science, Mathematics, and Science were exhibited by grade 1 to 9 students. Many Parents and students visited the exhibition and cherished the students. Through this exhibition, it was clear that art has the power to transcend traditional educational boundaries, making learning a more dynamic and impactful experience. The event not only highlighted academic achievements but also fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation of various subjects among the students.
The Art Integration Exhibition in school showcases the creative talents of students through various art forms like paintings, sculptures, and crafts. It combines academic subjects with artistic expression, allowing students to explore and present their learning in innovative ways. The exhibition fosters creativity, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary learning. It provides a platform for students to demonstrate their understanding while celebrating the importance of art in education.