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020-24608802 / 9763722119Day : Thursday
Date: 13/3/2023 & 20/4/23. Venue: CPSN
Public Speaking is essential for building confidence, growth & development.
" There is nothing like oratory, it is a skill that can turn a commoner into a king", keeping this in mind our Cygnet Public School (N) has held an Oratory competition for class - I to V.
The competition was conducted in two rounds on different dates , the 1st round was conducted by the class teacher & the final round by our Judges. The participants displayed their oratory skill with zeal & enthusiasm as Oratory is the power to talk people out of their sober & natural opinion, which our
students did fantastically.
Day: Thursday
Date: 13/4/23 & 20/4/23 Venue: CPSN
7 Wonder Model Making Competition.
"Creativity is the fur of putting together unexpected ideas". Hands on skill is very important to be a creative, innovative architect with optimism & imagination .
Keeping in this mind our Cygnet Public School, New Narhe has organised seven wonder model making competitions which will help our school to shape young minds and to create interest in the field of
design and architecture.
The students had built different 7 wonder models using the creativity design and imagination which enhance them to know about the history and values.
This competition was held in two different rounds in which students had prepared their model and in the final round they had given a presentation with their model within 1 min of time. The students have shown their wonderful work and it seems like our school is seven wonderful park.