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020-24608802 / 9763722119From ancient Indian artworks to thriving modern art from India, the country’s vivid visual tradition is the product of a diverse range of cultural influences. The bright, diverse, and captivating designs that depict many different civilizations demonstrate the range of Indian art styles from this region. The world’s main religions originated or blossomed in India, most traditional Indian art is political or religious in nature.
To understand its impact in our society, in our lives and to understand past culture we the CPSN organized Splashes and Strokes activity.
Under this our students collected information about our different Indian Art styles. They also understand about various types of Arts and its importance. It also helps them to understand the culture of various regions.
Student participated very actively in this activity. Apart from that they learnt various disciplines of art.
This activity enriched them with a lot of cultural activities.