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Date- 20/10/22
We cannot imagine Diwali without lanterns and diyas. To understand the importance of lights
our school had organised ‘Diya Decoration’ activity for primary section and Lantern making & paper bag making activities for secondary section. Students of class VI to VIII had made beautiful lanterns & class IX and X had made beautiful colourful paper bags. We used these bags to give Diwali sweets to campus directors, all Principals, drivers,maushis, Watchmen and security guards.
The main objective of this activity was to explore the students’ imagination and creativity. Most of the students participated enthusiastically in these activities. Students used their own ideas to make lanterns. They used coloured strips and paper, stones, and other materials to make and decorate their lanterns. Hand painted colourful and designed diyas and hand made beautiful lanterns showed the artistic skill of students.